ExternalInvokeCb = proc (w: Webview; arg: string)
- External CallBack Proc
WebviewObj {...}{.importc: "struct webview", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h", bycopy.} = object url* {...}{.importc: "url".}: cstring ## Current URL title* {...}{.importc: "title".}: cstring ## Window Title width* {...}{.importc: "width".}: cint ## Window Width height* {...}{.importc: "height".}: cint ## Window Height resizable* {...}{.importc: "resizable".}: cint ## `true` to Resize the Window, `false` for Fixed size Window debug* {...}{.importc: "debug".}: cint ## Debug is `true` when not build for Release invokeCb {...}{.importc: "external_invoke_cb".}: pointer ## Callback proc js:window.external.invoke priv {...}{.importc: "priv".}: WebviewPrivObj userdata {...}{.importc: "userdata".}: pointer
- WebView Type
Webview = ptr WebviewObj
DispatchFn = proc ()
dataUriHtmlHeader = :anonymous
fileLocalHeader = "file:///"
- Use Local File as URL
proc externalInvokeCB=(w: Webview; callback: ExternalInvokeCb) {...}{.inline, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
- Set the external invoke callback for webview, for Advanced users only
proc dispatch(w: Webview; fn: DispatchFn) {...}{.inline, raises: [Exception, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect].}
- Explicitly force dispatch a function, for advanced users only
proc bindProc[P, R](w: Webview; scope, name: string; p: (proc (param: P): R)) {...}{. used.}
- Do NOT use directly, see bindProcs macro.
proc bindProcNoArg(w: Webview; scope, name: string; p: proc ()) {...}{.used, raises: [KeyError, Exception, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect].}
- Do NOT use directly, see bindProcs macro.
proc bindProc[P](w: Webview; scope, name: string; p: proc (arg: P)) {...}{.used.}
- Do NOT use directly, see bindProcs macro.
proc run(w: Webview; quitProc: proc () {...}{.noconv.}; controlCProc: proc () {...}{.noconv.}; autoClose: static[bool] = true) {...}{. inline.}
run starts the main UI loop until the user closes the window. Same as run but with extras.
- quitProc is a function to run at exit, needs {.noconv.} pragma.
- controlCProc is a function to run at CTRL+C, needs {.noconv.} pragma.
- autoClose set to true to automatically run exit() at exit.
proc newWebView(path: static[string] = ""; title = ""; width: Positive = 1000; height: Positive = 700; resizable: static[bool] = true; debug: static[bool] = not false; callback: ExternalInvokeCb = nil; skipTaskbar: static[bool] = false; windowBorders: static[bool] = true; focus: static[bool] = false; keepOnTop: static[bool] = false; minimized: static[bool] = false; cssPath: static[string] = ""; trayIcon: static[cstring] = ""; fullscreen: static[bool] = false): Webview
Create a new Window with given attributes, all arguments are optional.
- path is the URL or Full Path to 1 HTML file, index of the Web GUI App.
- title is the Title of the Window.
- width is the Width of the Window.
- height is the Height of the Window.
- resizable set to true to allow Resize of the Window, defaults to true.
- debug Debug mode, Debug is true when not built for Release.
- skipTaskbar if set to true the Window will not be visible on the desktop Taskbar.
- windowBorders if set to false the Window will have no Borders, no Close button, no Minimize button.
- focus if set to true the Window will force Focus.
- keepOnTop if set to true the Window will keep on top of all other windows on the desktop.
- minimized if set the true the Window will be Minimized, Iconified.
- cssPath Full Path or URL of a CSS file to use as Style, defaults to "dark.css" for Dark theme, can be "light.css" for Light theme.
- trayIcon Path to a local PNG Image Icon file.
- fullscreen if set to true the Window will be forced Fullscreen.
- If --light-theme on commandLineParams() then it will use Light Theme automatically.
- CSS is embedded, if your app is used Offline, it will display Ok.
- For templates that do CSS, remember that CSS must be injected after DOM Ready.
- Is up to the developer to guarantee access to the HTML URL or File of the GUI.
func js(w: Webview; javascript: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "webview_eval", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h", discardable.}
- Evaluate a JavaScript cstring, runs the javascript string on the window
func css(w: Webview; css: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "webview_inject_css", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h", discardable.}
- Set a CSS cstring, inject the CSS on the Window
func setTitle(w: Webview; title: cstring) {...}{.importc: "webview_set_title", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h".}
- Set Title of window
func setColor(w: Webview; red, green, blue, alpha: uint8) {...}{. importc: "webview_set_color", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h".}
- Set background color of the Window
func setFullscreen(w: Webview; fullscreen: bool) {...}{. importc: "webview_set_fullscreen", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h".}
- Set fullscreen
func jsDebug(format: cstring) {...}{.varargs, importc: "webview_debug", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h".}
- console.debug() directly inside the JavaScript context.
func jsLog(s: cstring) {...}{.importc: "webview_print_log", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h".}
- console.log() directly inside the JavaScript context.
func setUrl(w: Webview; url: cstring) {...}{.importc: "webview_launch_external_URL", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h".}
- Set the current URL
func setIconify(w: Webview; mustBeIconified: bool) {...}{. importc: "webview_set_iconify", header: "/Users/bung/nim_works/crowngui/src/crownguipkg/webview.h".}
- Set window to be Minimized Iconified
func setBorderless(w: Webview; decorated: bool) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Use a window without borders, no close nor minimize buttons.
func setSkipTaskbar(w: Webview; hint: bool) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Do not show the window on the Taskbar
func setSize(w: Webview; width: Positive; height: Positive) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Resize the window to given size
func setFocus(w: Webview) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Force focus on the window
func setOnTop(w: Webview; mustBeOnTop: bool) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Force window to be on top of all other windows
func setClipboard(w: Webview; text: cstring) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Set a text cstring on the Clipboard, text must not be empty string
func setTrayIcon(w: Webview; path, tooltip: cstring; visible = true) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Set a TrayIcon on the corner of the desktop. path is full path to a PNG image icon. Only shows an icon.
func run(w: Webview) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- run starts the main UI loop until the user closes the window or exit() is called.
func exit(w: Webview) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Explicitly Terminate, close, exit, quit.
macro bindProcs(w: Webview; scope: string; n: untyped): untyped
- Functions must be proc or func; No template nor macro.
- Functions must NOT have return Type, must NOT return anything, use the API.
- To pass return data to the Frontend use the JavaScript API and WebGui API.
- Functions do NOT need the * Star to work. Functions must NOT have Pragmas.
You can bind functions with the signature like:
proc functionName[T, U](argumentString: T): U proc functionName[T](argumentString: T) proc functionName()
Then you can call the function in JavaScript side, like this:
let app = newWebView() app.bindProcs("api"): proc changeTitle(title: string) = app.setTitle(title) ## You can call code on the right-side, proc changeCss(stylesh: string) = app.css(stylesh) ## from JavaScript Web Frontend GUI, proc injectJs(jsScript: string) = app.js(jsScript) ## by the function name on the left-side. ## (JS) JavaScript Frontend <-- = --> Nim Backend (Native Code, C Speed)
The only limitation is 1 string argument only, but you can just use JSON.
template msg(w: Webview; title, msg: string)
- Show one message box
template info(w: Webview; title, msg: string)
- Show one alert box
template warn(w: Webview; title, msg: string)
- Show one warn box
template error(w: Webview; title, msg: string)
- Show one error box
template dialogOpen(w: Webview; title = ""): string
- Opens a dialog that requests filenames from the user. Returns "" if the user closed the dialog without selecting a file.
template dialogSave(w: Webview; title = ""): string
- Opens a dialog that requests a filename to save to from the user. Returns "" if the user closed the dialog without selecting a file.
template dialogOpenDir(w: Webview; title = ""): string
- Opens a dialog that requests a Directory from the user.